Tribute to Francis Murdick (POEM)

Fran is pictured here in the middle between his son, John Murdick (left) and his grandson, Aaron Murdick (right).
This poem by Mr. Doug Emerson
for Fran Murdick (Aaron Murdick’s Grandpa)
On an island shaped like a turtle
many generations ago,
An Up North treat for the tourists
spawned an industry you know.
There are almost as many shops selling it
As there are flavors for every taste.
With so many visitors young and old,
Little of it goes to waste.
Of all the shops on Main Street,
I’ve given each a test,
E’er before the Bridge was built,
There’s one that’s still the best.
Murdick puts his name on the line
with every slice he sells.
Fran’s in his shop most every day,
with stories he still tells.
My words are from my heart
but you can be the judge,
The Murdicks add a pound of love
to every batch of fudge.