Mother’s Day Fudge

Hi Everyone!
We trust you are all doing well and holding up during this terrible pandemic. We all have to hold onto hope and trust in God that better days will surely come again. It does our hearts happy and humble to see so many folks doing the hard and scary jobs… the frontline medical people… the folks still showing up to work at the grocery stores, gas stations, post offices, trash collectors, and everyone else who leaves their home everyday to help all the rest of us get through this horrible pandemic.
With the warming weather, many of us want (and need) to get outdoors and spend time in the sunshine. We all also want to get back to work and that is the hardest thing to resist. Many of us simply cannot or at least should not be risking spreading the virus by being out in public or mixing with others yet. We’re just not ready to cast fate to the winds as it were. If we ever hope to get ahead of this virus and stomp it into oblivion… we must still practice safe social distancing and stay home as much as possible.
As you all know, we are in the fudge business. That means the tourist business. But we are not going to have a tourist season this summer. However, that doesn’t mean we cannot be in our candy kitchen making fresh fudge and ship it to you. Even though we cannot see your faces and say “hello” to you in person… we can still connect with you online.
Check out our FB page and our website ( or We will be making our six most popular flavors of fudge for you to buy for yourselves or for your families and friends in other locations.
We are offering Mother’s Day fudge that you can order online for mom. We are currently cleaning our candy kitchen from top to bottom (just as we do every Spring). We will be practicing the most stringent and conscientious working routines (that we do as a matter of course). Your complete safety and satisfaction are our highest priority. So, check us out. We sure do wish we could see all our great friends and folks who visit us every year. But we know we will see you all again one day. Take care of yourselves and be kind to each other.
The Murdick Family